Friday, May 13, 2005

I've been toying with this whole blog thing for awhile. It seems like an obvious fit--I need to write, I need to archive a wide range of web stuff and I am trying to think through a gordion knot or two about digital media and living in the digital. I use to post stuff a lot about a decade ago when Usenet was the stuff. Since then I've used the usenet concept of lurking to think through how people use and are addressed by digital technologies. When you lurk you sit back and perform passive surveillance over a scene being played out before you. You aren't just watching, as one would with cinema. You aren't performing much in the way of physical interaction or engagement but a lurker is always already poised to de-lurk, to enter into the fray. Computers and networks empty out the process of acting, interacting, spectating. And yet, and yet, we still sit in chairs and type away, clicking through movies, animations, text, stumbling through the web, unweaving it as we go, reworking our way through.

So blog away. Remember before blogs? When sites like were the ur-blog? Witty, fast-paced, updating regularly, containg the trademark geek humor, cynicism, satire and sweetly mean illustrations?

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