So I haven't posted here in roughly, um, a year and a half. maybe I just suck at time management but I've been genuinely busy during these past months--I got married, I worked a whole lot, I got sick with various inconvenent ailments, I went to Seattle, Vancouver, California, Hawaii, California, Pennslyvania, Chicago and other places too. (Note to self: Volcanoes National Park=inspiration for every alien planet film/TV sequence ever.) I swam with sea turtles, moray eels (eek!) and beautiful fishes.
I wrote quite a lot and the book is in a good place lately, smack full of original scholarship and ideas. Am working on interesting stuff.
I took care of our sick dog and watched her die. I found us a new dog and have watched her become part of the family.
I read things great and small: more Anne Lamott, Joan Didion, E.B. White (again). Numerous issues of numerous magazines (current favorites are Blueprint, Everyday Food and that old workhorse In Style, which I always use to explain the culture industry to my classes). And for work: Foucault, Virilio, Jenkins, Chun, McCarthy, Cubitt, Galloway and oh so many more.
So why post again? It's not like I suddenly have more time or am filled with news all of a sudden.
I guess I'm just feeling bloggy thoughts. Things that belong on halfbakery. Or something like that.
Yesterday I heard these philosophers on the radio telling jokes. Here's a good one.
A snail gets robbed by two turtles. The police ask him for a description of the turtles and he replies, "I don't know, it just happened so fast."
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