Tuesday, October 04, 2005

what it takes to blog

Lately I've been wondering about what is required to produce a good blog. There is a certain labor--a willingness to spend time in the trenches reading and responding and writing. Javi clearly does this and his blog has launched a fan base. Colin's blog is intricate and clearly in conversation with other bloggers--academic computing types, photography people, arbor-bloggers.
And yet, I wonder where I might find the time to develop good blog habits. It reminds me a bit of when I used to read Usenet some time (was that really 11 years ago?) ago. If one read a group regularly then it was easy to keep up and follow the conversations there. But if one even let a day slip by it would take much, much longer to find the way back.
So is there such a way to be a casual blogger? A reader and writer who sneaks in and out of the blog slipstream at will?

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