Tuesday, August 09, 2005

better photos

of the ring and the ring-giver...

Monday, August 08, 2005

now it's real

i know it is blurry but this is my left hand wearing the new ring that Stephen gave me. It comes with a long-term commitment and some kind of ceremony but I am not too worried about those details just yet.
yay for me and Jasper and Winston! Who thought someone would want to marry us, what with the bathroom accidents, barking and constant worrying?!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

showtunes = torture

it turns out that traveling is generally more time-consuming and interesting than blogging. perhaps it has an intangible instant gratification that writing a really good post lacks?
July turned into a busy month. Lots of writing, seeing people, crashing a car, getting engaged, etc. i'm hoping that august proves to be less eventful. although next week i have to drive to erie to have dinner with my dad and "hawaiian brother" (only i would go to erie to eat with someone who lives in hawaii.
che sera sera.
or whatever.

am still writing on mobility and gaming and also working on the 70s game console chapter. The esteemed Anne F. thinks I should be sending it to publishers so that is another goal for this month.

Stephen just killed a bat that got into the house, was terrorized by the cats and injured by one cat. i contributed by acting like a lunatic and turning on all the lights and the showtunes digital radio channel from cable.
i mean, if andrew lloyd webber can't disrupt sonar, who can?